Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Research Exercise

1. The offenses known to law enforcement at Washington State University in 2006 include 6 violent crimes, 4 forcible rapes, 2 cases of aggravated assault, 200 property crimes, 30 burglaries, 167 larceny-thefts, 3 arson cases, and 3 vehicle thefts. WSU tends to have a lower number of crimes than the University of Washington. However, UW has over 39,000 students enrolled while WSU has just over 23,000 students. In general, WSU has more known offenses than all of the other major Washington universities; but they all have a much lower student enrollment as well. Basically, across Washington’s colleges the crime rate is fairly consistent with the number of students enrolled.

2. House Candidate= Troy Kelley received $305,599
Senate Candidate= Christopher J. Marr received $565,880

Kelley: Largest donator besides self was Washington State Democratic Party- gave $42,974
Marr: Largest donor besides self was Washington State Democratic Party- gave $46,615

Most generous anti-gun control: Gun Owners Action League of Washington, Republican Party is getting most donations from them- 78.8%

Largest insurance donator: State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. – gave all of their money to ballot measures

Largest beer/wine donator: Anheuser-Busch – Arnold Schwarzenegger received most money

Largest gambling/casino donator: Harrah’s – spent money on Rhode Islanders for Jobs and Tax Relief Inc. A/K/A Compete RI

3. I searched my own name on Google and found a Sarah Ducharme that is the president of New England Network Group Inc. She is married to Principal David Ducharme. She lives in Salem, MA and deals with sales and finance.

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